
Metaphysics: The Study of Being, Becoming and Existence in General

The field of metaphysics is a philosophical endeavor that asks questions about the fundamental nature of reality. It is the study of being, becoming and existence in general.

Metaphysics is a branch of philosophy that asks basic questions about reality. For example: What is real? How do we know what is real? What does it mean to say that something exists? Metaphysics studies these questions by looking at how we talk about things (called “language”) and what those words mean when they’re used in sentences like “The chair is brown” or “I am hungry.”

Metaphysics isn’t just about physical things like chairs or apples–it also includes abstract concepts such as numbers and ideas (like justice), emotions like sadness, love or anger; even time itself!

It’s a Branch of Philosophy that Asks Basic Questions Like “What is Real?” or “What is Possible?”

Metaphysics is a branch of philosophy that asks basic questions like “what is real?” or “what is possible?” It’s concerned with the nature of reality, being, existence and possibility.

In other words: What exists? How do we know about it? Is there an objective truth about how things are–and if so what does that mean for us as human beings (or animals)?

Metaphysical Questions are Typically Categorised as Questions about The Meaning and Nature of Being.

Metaphysics is a branch of philosophy that attempts to examine the nature of existence. It’s concerned with questions such as:

  • What is real?
  • How do we know what’s real?
  • What are things made of?

The word comes from Greek roots roughly translating to “after physics” or “beyond physics”. In other words, it involves thinking about things that aren’t necessarily immediately observable by our senses (such as time, space and matter).

The Word Comes from Greek Roots Roughly Translating to the “After Physics” or “Beyond Physics”.

Metaphysics is a branch of philosophy that asks questions about the nature of reality. The word comes from Greek roots roughly translating to the “after physics” or “beyond physics”. In this sense, it refers to what goes beyond what we can perceive with our senses (which are part of our physical bodies).

Metaphysics as a field of study in Western culture (most notably ancient Greece) that sought answers about life and death; it was largely focused on understanding nature through observation rather than supernatural forces. Today, metaphysics refers primarily to occult spiritual beliefs (for example New Age) and practices such as astrology readings or tarot card reading sessions where people believe they can predict future events based on an understanding of universal energies around us all (also known as chakras).

It is Used in Two Distinct Ways Today.

Metaphysics is the study of ultimate reality. It’s the study of being, becoming and existence in general. Metaphysics asks questions about what things are made of, what they look like when we can’t see them, how they work and why they exist at all.

In its first sense (and this is the one that most people mean when they talk about metaphysics today), metaphysics means “beyond physics.” In other words: it’s the study of things that aren’t physical or material–like thoughts and feelings–but which still exist somehow nonetheless!

It’s Also Used to Refer to Occult, Spiritual or Religious Beliefs (for example, New Age) and Practices.

Metaphysics is not the same as religion. It’s not a belief system or faith, but rather a philosophical discipline that studies being, becoming and existence in general.

Metaphysics is also used to refer to occult, spiritual or religious beliefs (for example, New Age). However, it should be noted that these terms aren’t synonymous with ‘metaphysical’. For example:

  • The term ‘occult’ refers to secret knowledge that cannot be explained by science – such as astrology or divination – and has been associated with magic since ancient times. In modern times however it tends only to mean hidden knowledge about nature rather than supernatural forces like ghosts; so someone might say “I’m interested in learning more about the occult” but wouldn’t necessarily believe in things like ghosts themselves!
  • The term ‘spiritual’ refers simply towards any kind of non-material reality; whether this exists outside ourselves isn’t important here but rather what we feel inside ourselves when we experience something good/bad etc…

Understanding the Nature of Reality Can Be Helpful for Mental Health

Metaphysics is a branch of philosophy that studies the nature of reality, existence and knowledge. By understanding these concepts, you can better understand yourself and the world around you. This knowledge can be helpful for mental health because it gives us a sense of control over our lives.

For example: If someone believes their life is meaningless because they don’t know where they came from or why they are here (two questions which are often asked by those who feel depressed), then studying metaphysics can help them answer those questions and alleviate their depression symptoms by giving them purpose in life again! (ICEMS)

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